Raynor Natural Therapy Deep Tissue Work, what is it? And why is it so amazing?


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What is Raynor Natural Therapy Work?

Raynor Natural Therapy (aka Naturopathic style) Deep Tissue Work is a holistic system of bodywork developed by Naturopath Brandon Raynor. Its origins are in Ayurvedic Massage, Chinese Medicine, Reflexology, Shiatsu and Yoga breath work. There is a special emphasis on the Eastern medical theory that the physical body is a gross manifestation of a subtle body composed of a life force (chi or prana), emotions and other subtle energies, and that each are related and have an effect on each other. Physical or emotional stressors can lead to a blockage or disruption in the flow of chi or prana can cause bones to shift out of place or create tension in the body.

Most tension exists along bands in the body that are composed of muscles, tendons, ligaments and other body tissues. Underlying these physical manifestations of the bands are subtle energy systems similar to Meridians in Chinese Medicine, Sen lines in Thai Massage, or nadis in Ayurvedic Massage. Knowledge and techniques gleaned from these ancient modalities were then integrated and evolved to form the Raynor Band Theory along with its unique set of techniques, adjustments, stretches and rhythm. While Raynor Bands may overlap with some of these, the distinguishing feature of Raynor Bands is they can be physically traced and often seen within the body.

The primary goal of Raynor Natural Therapy (aka Naturopathic style) Deep Tissue Work is to relieve a person of residual tension, muscle tightness in an area of the body when the body is at rest, and return the body to its natural state of relaxation. The word “relax” literally means to bring back to a state of looseness. “Re” means to bring back to and “lax” means loose, whereby Raynor Natural Therapy (aka Naturopathic Style) Work is actually a form of deep relaxation massage; But, please keep in mind, this is nothing like a TYPICAL Massage, and most first, second and often even third sessions, your main root system of your feet and hands are worked first, most often with tools, similar to that of Reflexology & Acupressure, first, as opposed to a more commonly known Massage technique that some people often expect upon a first visit. In addition, we believe that this treatment should not be performed in a routine manner, as each client has their own specific treatment needs.

This is why the development of one’s sense of touch and intuition is equally important in Raynor Natural Therapy (aka Naturopathic Style) Treatments in order to properly diagnose and treat a client. It also concentrates on parts of the body that are often neglected by traditional & more commonly known massage therapist styles, such as the abdomen, sacrum, hips, feet, hands and head. These areas tend to hold a lot of stagnation and blockage of the life force and freeing them up will generally have a great benefit not just to the areas concerned but to the whole being. For these types of sessions, I do use several tools from titanium, to gems & crystals as well as my elbows. This is a very deep tissue, intense treatment, much different than most people would experience with a typical & more commonly known massage treatment.

Why is it so Life Changing and Amazing?

The massage industry is saturated with massages designed to pamper clients, however, there is a serious demand for massage practitioners who are able to get rid of deep seated tension and provide relief to pre-existing depleting health conditions. In Raynor Natural Therapy (aka Naturopathic style) Deep Tissue Courses we are taught a style of deep tissue work and taught to be able to identify and find residual tension by first accessing it from its anchor points and then loosening the rest of the body through bands of tension or meridians.

Raynor is comprised of ideas and philosophies from different massage modalities throughout the world, along with its own set of unique techniques. It emphasizes the importance of hand and foot work, similar to, but more in depth than reflexology, along with joint mobilization. Raynor also offers abdominal work and understands the connection between physical tension and deep-seated emotions held within the abdomen.

As a Deep Tissue therapist, one of our greatest assets is the health and upkeep of our own bodies. In a Raynor course, we learn proper body mechanics, powerful techniques to help the client, without putting undue strain on our own bodies, and the proper use of different types of tools on detailed areas of the body such as the hands and feet.  

Were you aware that physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances can manifest as stress or physical tension in the body? This can lead to fatigue, poor mobility, aches and pains, and other treatable ailments.

By accessing the physical tension held within the body, it can provide relief and restore balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

Some of the most common ailments seen by massage therapists, and other therapists, are back aches, sciatica, headaches and frozen shoulders.  It is a common misconception that if a client has lower back pain to focus on massaging the back. With Raynor, we work with the bands or meridians in the body that hold tension within the body and how one part of that band can have an effect either further up or down the band. These bands are originate in the hands and feet and have a tremendous impact on the rest of the body. Therefore, someone experiencing lower back pain will most likely have tension originating  in their legs and feet that is aggravating the back and must be loosened from is its source.

Removing Four Layers Of Tension

My specialty is to remove all 4 levels of tension: Thinking (Mental), Physical, Emotional and Traumatic. Here’s how I will work to resolve your mind and body stress:

Thinking (Mental) Layer of Tension – Slow mind chatter, ease the active mind and calm anxious thoughts.

Physical Layer of Tension – Seek to resolve aches, pains, posture imbalances, soreness, tight muscles, vehicle accident and chronic injuries, and other physical medical conditions.

Emotional Layer of Tension – Identify how emotional tension manifests into mental and physical issues (how “dis-ease” can often develop into “disease”). Release emotional tension by working with the abdomen, feet, knees, hands, hips, head and/or chest.

Traumatic Tension – Ease the effects of long-term tension on the cellular structure of the mind and body, often a result of a life-threatening situation, such as a horrific car accident, physical or sexual assault, or loss of loved one. Massage has been very successful in helping to lessen the symptoms and effects of Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Debilitating Anxiety and many other physical and mental ailments triggered by severe trauma.

Shiatsu, acupressure, Yoga and Ayurvedic massage have strongly influenced Raynor Natural Therapy (aka Naturopathic style) Treatments in understanding the importance of proper breathing throughout a these kinds of treatment. Deep breathing is required in order for the client to get into a deep state of relaxation, to cleanse the body from accumulated toxins and to shift emotional stagnation.  Another integral part of Raynor that has been adopted from Eastern philosophy is the concept of Chi (AKA Qi, Prana, Life Force Energy) that exists within the physical body. Physical tension, mental lethargy, emotional baggage or other imbalances can cause blockages of one’s Chi Energy (AKA Qi, Prana, Life Force Energy). By freeing the body of physical tension through this kind of deep work, one’s Chi (AKA Qi, Prana, Life Force Energy) can flow freely throughout the body and subtle body and restore a person to their optimum health.

Ready to give it a shot? Book your first session today, it could very well change your life. I am ready when you are ready.

Be in the NOW…..Book in the NOW ! It’s never too late to LOVE yourself fully!